Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Law of Attraction Forum at SelfGrowth.com

There is a good summary of the Law of Atraction and an extended discussion at the SelfGrowth.com website.

You need to be a member to post, but I think anyone can read.

I didn't do an actual count of the posts, but it seems that there are far more supporters than challengers to the LOA.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Secret and The Bible, Part 2

One of the huge clashes between the Bible and The Secret is this:
The Bible teaches that there is God, the Creator, and there is creation. God is distinct from creation and everything that is not God is created by God.
Or, to put it another way, “There is one God, and it ain’t you!”

Yet in The Secret, John Hagelin is quoted saying “Ultimately we are the source of the Universe…we are the creators of Universal destiny. We are the creators of the Universe.” (page 160)

Lisa Nichols, quoted on page 164: You are eternal life. You are God manifested in human form, made to perfection.”

There are several more similar quotes, and then on page 183, the climax of it all: “The earth turns on its orbit for you. The oceans ebb and flow for you. The birds sing for you…None of it can exist, without You…You are the master of the Universe. You are heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of life. And now you know The Secret.”

Again, you may not believe the Bible; my point is that the Bible and The Secret teach two very different philosophies, despite the writers of The Secret pretending otherwise.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Secret and the Bible, Part 1

Maybe you don’t believe the Bible, maybe you do. For the purposes of this post, it doesn’t really matter.

The teachers in The Secret pretend that they are teaching what the Bible teaches. The truth is, the two books aren’t even close.

The Secret tells you to trust your heart, your instincts, your feelings. The Bible says that my heart and your heart is deceitful above all else.

The Secret says to look at everything you want and say “I can afford it!” and to go after what you think will make you happy. The Bible says this is actually a basic problem of our world system: “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight.” (James 1.1-2)

My point here is not that the Bible is right and The Secret is wrong. My point is that The Secret and the Bible teach two different things.

You can believe The Secret, or you can believe the Bible. But forget this idea of believing them both.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Secret and Control

One of the big problems I have with The Secret is the idea that we are ultimately in control of everything.

Yes, I do like to feel in control: I try to control my time with good time management principles, I try to control my health with good eating and exercise, I’d rather be a driver than a passenger in a vehicle, and of course, give me the remote for the TV!

I like to feel in control, and I agree that we each have a locus of control, but I know I’m not ultimately in control. And, given how self-centered we are, how limited our knowledge is, both of ourselves and the world and reality, would it really be a good thing if we were in total control? How can you have full control without full knowledge?

I guess it's time to show one of my philosophical cards. Here’s a foundational belief of mine: There’s one God, and it ain’t you!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Secret and "Bad Stuff"

"Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you've attracted." Joe Vitale, page 27, The Secret

When I first read that, I can recall thinking "He's not really saying that all the bad things that happen in your life, or in the lives of others is ultimately traceable to their thought processes is he? Surely not..."

But then he continues, suggesting that if you've been in a car accident or have a bad client or a debt, that "...yes you did attract it."

The author of the book continues, discussing mass tragedies where many were killed, and concludes: "By the law of attraction, they had to be on the same frequency as the event." Page 28

Yeah, I guess if there is a LAW of attraction that makes sense. In fact, if you believe in such a law, you must also believe that everything bad that happens to everyone is ultimately their fault, it's the result of their bad thinking.

As I think I've said before, this idea feels GREAT if your life is great, because it's your doing. But for several billion people in the world at any given instant, and for every single person at many points in their life, this idea will be like a gut punch.

So, the perpetual question: Is it true, or is it... sniff, sniff, I think I stepped in something...

The Secret and Common Sense

"See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It works every time with every person." Bob Proctor, The Secret, page 12

Every time with every person? That's quite a statement. If it's true, forget about food and medical aid to Africa. Let's just do some airdrops of The Secret in the appropriate languages and everything will straighten itself out in a few years.

Honestly, I wish it were true. But I'm pretty sure it's ain't. I detect the sweet smell of manure. Whaddya think?

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Secret and Money

“Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what- it’ll be there…(Debt) showed up because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor- expect a check!”
Lisa Nichols, The Secret, page 72

“Most people have a goal of getting out of debt. That will keep you in debt forever.”
Bob Proctor, page 102

“If you do not have enough (money) it is because you are stopping the flow of money coming to you, and you are doing it with your thoughts.”
Page 99

“I thought 'What if I just visualized checks coming in the mail? Within just one month, things started to change. It is amazing; today I just get checks in the mail. I get a few bills, but I get more checks than bills.'”
David Schirmer, page 104

Before I read The Secret I thought bills were the result of purchases I'd made, and that if I simply quit buying things, the bills would slow down. But now I know the bills are all in my head and if I will simply think “check in the mail, check in the mail” the bills will be replaced with checks!

I wonder how many people are going to sink themselves financially by following this lunacy? Not once does The Secret suggest the best way to eliminate bills: Spend less!

The Secret of Chicken Soup

I must admit, once I discovered the superficiality of The Secret, I was a little disappointed by the endorsements from otherwise credible people like Dennis Waitley and Jack Canfield.

Canfield of course is one of the co-creators of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. On page 40 of The Secret he says “Since I learned The Secret and started applying it to my life, my life has truly become magical.” He then goes on to describe the good life he is enjoying. He concludes: “All of this happened, and continues to happen, because of knowing how to apply The Secret.

What he says interfaces with the teaching of The Secret that it isn’t hard work that makes you succeed, it is right thinking.

Fortunately, before I saw those words, I’d read a book that talked about authors and writing. One of the authors featured was Canfield’s coauthor Mark Victor Hansen. Mark describes how he and Jack went about getting the mega sales they’ve achieved:
Rejected by 35 publishers, 228 attempts to find a 1-800 number that spelled a word that worked with their books, interviewed the 101 best selling authors, made a list of 1094 things to do and did them, developed a 25 year business plan.

“You have to write a great book first, then spend 90% of your time marketing and hustling…We use focus groups to select the best stories…We try to be in front of a mass of people every day. There has never been a day that we haven’t done media (radio or TV interviews, articles) at least one a day, 20 some days… It took five years for us to become big. ”
(In another source I heard them say they did at least 5 interviews per day, anytime of the day or night for a solid year.)

So, did Chicken Soup become an industry due to sending out positive thought vibes to the universe, or did Jack Canfield and MVH have a great idea, and then work their little white buttocks off to tell people about the idea?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Oprah and The Secret

"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
Oprah Winfrey

Wait a minute...isn't Oprah the great endorser of The Secret and the Law of Attraction, which teaches that stuff happens because you think about it, not because you work at it?

Yes, The Secret teaches that you don't need to do much except transmit those positive success vibes out into the universe in order to be successful. But Oprah doesn't really believe that. She is arguably one of the most successul women of our day, some would say in history, but she recognizes that you need to do something besides just thinking about what you want if you are going to get it.

A well recognized trait of successful people is that they have a bias for action. They don't just think about what they want, they take action and do their part to make it happen. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but The Secret seems to say otherwise.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Secret and Aging

“I banished every bit of stiffness and lack of agility right out of my body. I focused on seeing my body as flexible and as perfect as a child’s, and every stiff and aching joint vanished. I literally did this overnight.”
“Aging is limited thinking…”
“…in reality there is no such thing.”
“You can think your way to the perfect state health, the perfect body, the perfect weight, and eternal youth.”
(All quotes from page 131.)

If that’s true, then the author and believers in The Secret should be looking pretty good as the years go by. And their death rate should be zero. I guess we’ll have to wait and see…

Yeah, what about the issue of death? The Secret doesn’t seem to address it. But in my mind, since death is an absolute certainty, any philosophical stance that ignores it is incomplete and possibly irrelevant. Or maybe it’s just bs…

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Secret and Physics

"...the discoveries of quantum physics and new science are in total harmony with the teachings of The Secret." (page 156)

Quite a statement. But is it true?

I don’t pretend to understand quantum physics. And some may take exception to my simplified thoughts which follow. But here’s my take on it, for what it’s worth: We are made of cells which are made of molecules which are made of atoms which are made of the nucleus and electrons, which are made of quarks. As far as we know quarks are simply little vibrating bits of energy. Again, very simplified, but widely accepted scientifically.

Here’s the jump made by The Secret: Because we are simply vibrating energy, our thoughts must also be vibrating energy and when we think, that vibe goes out and attracts like vibrations, which is why the Law of Attraction works. You think thin thoughts, you attract thin vibes, and you get thin. You think money thoughts, you send out money vibes, and attract money. You think worrying thoughts, you send out a trouble vibe, and attract trouble.

What’s wrong with that train of thought? Seems logical enough.

It’s not that we don’t vibrate, it’s not that we don’t emit energy, and it’s not that there may not be some kind of interaction between different energy sources. BUT, as one person commenting on the Law of Attraction stated “Rumors of our magnetism are greatly exaggerated.”

There is a huge leap from saying quantum physics seems to be true, to saying that everything about you is explainable by your thoughts. And that is the leap The Secret makes.

A researcher actually called a member of the quantum theory group at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre at Stanford University and asked about the applications made by The Secret from the physical to the metaphysical. His answer:
“To the best of my knowledge there is no scientific evidence for a connection between subnuclear or quark physics and the metaphysical sort of attraction that makes our lives more or less worth living. And I know no basis for a scientific theory along those lines. My experience is that people who push such things are usually interested in attracting money out of your wallet. Watch out please.”

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Secret Gets Goofy

From the copyright page in The Secret:
"The information contained in this book is...not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional." Etc...

Yeah, I understand the need to protect yourself in a litigious society. But maybe a better way would be to not print things like this:
The thought that food is responsible for weight gain "is complete balderdash!"
"Think perfect thoughts and the result must be perfect weight."
"Food cannot cause you to put on weight unless you think it can."
"...I now maintain my perfect weight of 116 pounds and I can eat whatever I want."

If only that were true...
As an aside, I wonder if the evangelists of the Law of Attraction believe that lack of food only makes you starve if you think it can?

This is just the beginning. It gets goofier.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Where does The Secret get it right? Part 4

I’ve heard it said different in different ways: The person you become is easily predicted by the books you read, the people you associate with, the media you consume. The sources we allow access to our minds without the filters up (should we ever allow uncritical access?) shape us.

Why does a book, highlighted by Oprah, become a best seller? Because she is an influencer, second to pretty well no one in the world today. People respect her, and believe that her opinion is right. Whether you and I agree with her or not is irrelevant; many do, and so her opinions become their opinions.

Whose opinion do you believe is right, just because it’s their opinion? Your parent’s? Best friend’s? Some spiritual leader’s or author’s, your horoscope, a celebrity’s? What if they’re wrong? What you and I think is the result of who and what we have allowed in. And what we think is a huge piece of who we are.
It takes a lot of mental energy to dig in and develop our own opinions rather than just uncritically adopting the opinions and convictions of others. In fact, to be honest, all of us have synthesized opinions which are based on our life context, including the views of others, with greater or lesser portions of original thought injected into the mix.

So, again, I agree with The Secret that what we think is huge. But ironically, many have adopted the book wholesale without actually thinking for themselves.

Where does The Secret get it right? Part 3

While I don't buy the idea that your thoughts explain everything about you and that they bring every good or bad event into your life, which is what The Secret teaches, who can help but agree with the idea that what we think is very, very important?

Your thinking doesn’t explain everything that goes on in your life or in the world- even if your thoughts affect things, hopefully there’s someone else out there thinking besides you and also affecting reality, so it's not all you- but your thinking does explain a lot about you and me and it truly shapes us in some measure.

What you believe affects the decisions you make, which brings about the outcomes you experience. It is not 100% cause and effect, there are other factors besides your thinking, but there is a link between our thoughts and our experiences. Even the Big Black Book says that transformation takes place via the renewing of your mind.

So, Secret people, I agree, what you think is important. It’s not the whole deal, but it is a big part of our lives.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Where does The Secret get it right? Part 2

In addition to gratitude, there is an emphasis on giving and generosity in The Secret. I have no problem affirming those ideas!

However, the motive for both giving and gratitude is that you send out positive vibes into the universe so that you attract more of those things for which you are grateful.

Sounds kinda familiar...

Oh yeah! "Send me your $100 and I'll pray for you and God will give you ten times as much!" TV preacher, circa 1987, 1997, 2007. We refer to them as "health and wealth" preachers, or "name it and claim it."

Soooo, The Secret is kinda like health and wealth, without Jesus or the church...?

Oh yeah, I'm writing about things I can affirm.

There are other little things I like such as focusing on the good in others and praising others. Parents and workplace supervisors could benefit from that advice to catch people doing things right.

But The Secret is ultimately about a way of thinking... Stay tuned.

Where does The Secret get it right?

As I said last time, when I read something I look for things I can affirm, things I need to challenge, and things I need to research more.

I found surprisingly little in The Secret that I could affirm, but I did find a bit.

First of all, there is an emphasis on the importance of gratitude. I've often suggested that we cancel Christmas every second year and just focus on Thanksgiving because gratitude is one of the world's great needs. Some overly religious, sentimental types wail and gnash their teeth at the suggestion, but I think we might be better off for it, though every two years there would be a rash of retail stores going out of business.

Anyway, gratitude is presented as the most important part of The Secret. It says “love and gratitude can dissolve any disease.” Well, I don’t know about "any disease," but there is strong evidence that gratitude strengthens us physically, much like humour.

There are a couple glitches in the teaching on gratitude in The Secret: It’s not really clear who you are supposed to be grateful to. Everything is supposedly the result of your thoughts. So if things are good, well then, you are the one you should be grateful to. Kinda arrogant. Unless of course you really are God.

Friday, January 4, 2008

What's the Big Secret?!?

Earlier this year, when The Secret was all over the place, I went down to Chapters to pick up a copy. They were all out. The clerk said that every time it hit Oprah there was a rush at the store within an hour and it sold out every time. So I grabbed the DVD, watched, then later read the book and realized the two overlapped 90% or more.

As I began to dig into The Secret I expected that I would have to filter out some things, that there would be the usual mix of truth and falsehood and speculation that are found in most books. In fact, when I read a book, any book, my pattern to is to look for 1) things to affirm, 2) things to challenge, and 3) things to research further. Because The Secret was so big, so popular among people I know and respect, I was especially interested in finding things to affirm, things I could agree with as a means of dialogue and building our relationship.

But when I viewed the DVD and read the book I was shocked. And what shocked me was how little I could affirm. I was stunned by the generalizations, half truths, outright untruths. I was surprised at the audacity of pretending it simply summarized what all the great religions and all the great teachers have always taught. (Did you catch the triple generalization?)

I'll begin to unpack my reactions more fully in the next post.