Friday, February 8, 2008

The Secret Gets Goofy

From the copyright page in The Secret:
"The information contained in this book is...not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional." Etc...

Yeah, I understand the need to protect yourself in a litigious society. But maybe a better way would be to not print things like this:
The thought that food is responsible for weight gain "is complete balderdash!"
"Think perfect thoughts and the result must be perfect weight."
"Food cannot cause you to put on weight unless you think it can."
"...I now maintain my perfect weight of 116 pounds and I can eat whatever I want."

If only that were true...
As an aside, I wonder if the evangelists of the Law of Attraction believe that lack of food only makes you starve if you think it can?

This is just the beginning. It gets goofier.

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